I'm using the KeePass/dropbox combo with a long passphrase these days though as I've decided that its more secure than the notebook and I can put more explicit information in there (and files), though it is somewhat nerdy so I still recommend the paper notebook for people like my mother. This app may no longer be available for download KyPass 3 is an application for people with extremely high demands on secure personal data management. KeePass is a free, open-source password manager that lets you add the features you want from a library of plug-ins, but its interface is outdated and it may be too complicated for beginners. In fact I've recently moved away from the notebook for myself because I felt that if somebody breaks into my residence and takes that notebook (not all thieves are ignorant of how valuable a password book is, especially when this contains banking passwords) then all is lost. Top KeePass apps for Android and iOS users KeePass2Android Password Safe Keepass2Android Offline KeePassDroid MiniKeePass KyPass 4 Password Manager.

I used a natty paper notebook for years and in fact I borrowed this method from my mother who seems to feel guilty that she writes this stuff down but I try and reassure her that its ok.